Biomedical acupuncture
Acupuncture is a treatment originating from Ancient Chinese Medicine. Fine needles are inserted into specific parts of the body for therapeutic or preventive purposes. Acupuncture is often considered a form of complementary or alternative medicine.
What is Biomedical Acupuncture?
Western Medicine or Biomedical acupuncture is the use of acupuncture which is based on the principles and rules of biomedical science (Western Medicine). It involves inserting needles into specific parts of the body to stimulate sensory nerves under the skin and muscles. This results in the body producing natural substances such as endorphins that relieve pain. These naturally released substances are responsible for the beneficial effects presented with acupuncture.
According to the World Health Organization some of the indications of Acupuncture are:
Acute pain: Neck pain, thoracic pain, back pain, lumbo-sciatica, coccygodynia, muscle pain (epicondylalgia, tendinitis), arthralgia, osteoarthritis, myoperitoneal pain, acute musculoskeletal pain, post-operative analgesia, fibromyalgia (sub-joint conditions) pelvic pain bitemporal pain. a.
Neurological problems: migraine, tension headache, trigeminal neuralgia, peripheral facial nerve palsy, vertigo etc.
Actions of acupuncture
According to studies, acupuncture can help through the following mechanisms:
- Muscle relaxation
- Analgesia
- Inflammation control
- Immune-boosting
- Stress control
- Mood improvement
- Improving sleep
- Neuromodulation
- Hyperemia
Application of Acupuncture
Very fine, single-use needles are placed in special parts of the body depending on the condition, where they remain for a few minutes depending on the case.
The design of the treatment protocol is based on specific instructions, the experience of the therapist and the characteristics of the condition and the patient. A therapeutic protocol concerns the selection of the points where the needles are placed, the time they remain in the body, the number of sessions, the frequency, the use of electrical stimulation through electroacupuncture, etc.
Depending on the nature of the condition and the intensity of the symptoms, usually 6 to 15 sessions are needed, with a frequency of 2-3 times/week. Acupuncture has a cumulative effect on this and its results are usually evaluated after a few sessions.
When done by a qualified therapist, acupuncture is generally very safe. Mild side effects rarely occur.
Biomedical acupuncture in Manualphysiotherapy
Acupuncture is a treatment used as a rule to reduce pain with the aim of starting as soon as possible the therapeutic exercise which is par excellence the real therapeutic means in physical therapy. The specialized staff of Manualphysiotherapy will record your history and choose the appropriate therapeutic protocol for you with the aim of fully restoring your problem in the shortest possible time.
For an appointment, call the physical therapy clinic in Zografou at 2107784822, or the physical therapy clinic in Glyfada at 2160035521